Offres de Norse Atlantic Airways

New York City à Paris


14 mai - 21 mai
7 journée aller-retour
Changement de dates
New York City à Paris


14 mai - 21 mai
7 journée aller-retour
Changement de dates
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Il n'y a aucune offre sur le prix du billet au départ de cette ville pour le moment.

À propos de Norse Atlantic Airways

Established in Feb-2021, Norse Atlantic Airways is an airline looking to position itself in the trans Atlantic low cost niche vacated by Norwegian Air. Norse Atlantic Airways received an air operator’s certificate from the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority in Dec-2021. The US Department of Transportation approved Norse Atlantic Airways' application to operate between the US and Norway or another EU state in Jan-2022. The airline commenced operations with Oslo-New York JFK service on 14-Jun-2022, operated using Boeing 787 aircraft. Norse Atlantic UK applied to the US Department of Transportation (DoT) requesting a foreign air carrier permit and exemption authority to operate scheduled and charter, passenger, property and mail services between the UK and the US in Jun-2022. The UK Civil Aviation Authority granted the airline with an Air Operator Certificate and Operating Licence in Sep-2022.

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