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Top 10 Hotels in Jambi

Popular Accommodation Types in Jambi

Wed, 12 Mar - Thu, 13 Mar

Top Attractions in Jambi


    Jambi straddles the winding Batanghari River with both sides of the city connected by the Aur Dari Bridge. The laid-back atmosphere picks up around dusk, with bustling riverfront food stalls serving delicious street food. Rich in archaeological treasures due to its glorious past as the seat of the Srivijaya Kingdom, pilgrims and visitors alike gravitate towards the ancient Muara Jambi Temple for a glimpse of majestic Buddhist structures of bygone eras. recently found 165 hotels in Jambi, Indonesia. Find a range of accommodation in Jambi at great prices. Book luxury Jambi hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Jambi with affordable room rates.

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